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Council Rundown

March 26th, 2024

The Regular Meeting of Council of March 26, 2024 featured a number of items arising from the Community Services Committee. The Meeting was preceded by a final Special Budget Meeting to conclude budget presentations to Council and a Special Meeting following the Regular also took place pertaining to the Age-Friendly Action Plan.   

Decrease the minimum age for Fitness Centre use with an Adult

Council approved the proposal from the Community and Recreation Department to reduce the minimum age for Fitness Centre use with an accompanying and paying adult from 12 to 9 years of age. Staff’s recommendation cited other facilities that have done the same and in this case, use from youth under 12 will be limited to the Pool Side Auditorium of the Fitness Centre. Staff’s main objectives are to increase the opportunity for entire families to get fit and be active together. Upon review of insurance and liability considerations, there were no concerns from an insurance premium or contract standpoint providing the appropriate supervision and orientation mechanisms are in place as were presented with the staff report.

Annual Drinking Water Report

Council received the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) annual and summary reports for the Espanola Water System pursuant to Section 11 and Schedule 22 of O. Reg. 170/03, under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The Municipality scored 100%, meaning no issues identified.

Household Hazardous Waste Day

The contract for Household Hazardous Waste Day was awarded to GFL. This year’s event is scheduled for April 27, 2024. The Municipal portion of this event is estimated to cost $18,525.

Member Motions

Council approved a motion moved by Councillor Kallioinen regarding Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support (ODSP), calling on the Province to increase rates for ODSP and OW.

Council approved a motion moved by Councillor Kallioinen to support AMO’s Social and Economic Prosperity Review which calls on the Province to undertake a comprehensive review of the funding arrangements between the Province and municipalities to promote the stability and sustainability of municipal finances.

Mayor and Councillor Announcements

Deputy Mayor Kelly expressed her thanks to staff for the budget presentations and wished all a happy Easter.

The Mayor thanked Council for their engagement in the budget process and also wished all a happy Easter.

Special Meeting following the Regular Meeting

A special meeting following the Regular was held to hear a presentation from Kim Goodman, a consultant retained by the Town to conduct an Age-Friendly Community Assessment and to prepare an Age-Friendly Action Plan for the community. The Plan was approved by Council and can be viewed at the following link: This project was entirely funded by a grant received from the Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility.

The Council Rundown provides a summary of each Council Meeting. The official record of each meeting is the Meeting Minutes and can be found in the Council Meetings section of the website. Video recordings of meetings are similarly available in the same section. Any questions regarding Council Meetings can be directed to Joseph Burke, CAO/Clerk at [email protected] or by calling 705-869-1540.


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