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Council Rundown – February 27, 2024

The Regular Meeting of Council of February 27th consisted of planning matters, delegations and recommendations coming from public works, recreation, and environmental and special projects departments.

Planning Items

Council approved 3 consent applications with respect to existing lots on Apsey Lake.  Two of the applications corrected a longstanding encroachment issue and the third was to consolidate a smaller portion of land with an abutting lot, which are both owned by the same resident.  All three applications align with provisions or policies contained in the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), 2020, the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario (GPNO), the Town’s Official Plan, and the Town’s Zoning Bylaw.

Espanola PRIDE

Aya Dufour presented Council with information on the 2024 Espanola PRIDE celebration. The presentation provided a summary of the events that took place in 2023 and a tentative schedule of events for this year’s celebration.  Espanola PRIDE has submitted a request to the Corporate Services Committee asking for support by waiving the costs for the track and field rental, insurance coverage and a monetary donation of $1000.00.  The Committee meets on March 5th.

Age-Friendly Community Assessment

Kim Goodman of K.A. Community Consulting presented Council with a draft copy of the Town of Espanola’s Age-Friendly Assessment.  A summary of the community engagement, community profile and key findings were provided.  Ms. Goodman shared the feedback received from the community survey and consultation meetings, highlighting the priorities, and providing suggestions to make improvements.  The Age-Friendly Assessment Plan will be brought to a Special Meeting of Council on March 26th for adoption.  For more information on the Age-Friendly Community Assessment project please visit [email protected].

PWD Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Renovation

The tender for the Public Works Front Office Renovation Project (AODA) was awarded to Quantum Builders in the amount of $952,184.62 plus HST.  This project will ensure the Corporation is in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act by providing barrier free access to our public works building.

Climate Action Specialist

Council approved the creation of a Climate Action Specialist Intern position, who will work closely with the Manager of Environmental Services and Special Projects in creating a Climate Action Plan.  Having a Plan will help reduce our carbon footprint and better prepare the community for the effects of our changing climate.  Funding for this position is supported by a $35,000 grant from NOHFC.

Installation of MUA-1 HVAC system at the Complex

Approval for the replacement of the MUA-1 HVAC unit in the pool changerooms at the complex was granted. The cost of the unit is $57,320 which is 100% funded through an OTF grant and will replace the 25 year-old current unit. 

Mayor and Councillor Reports and Announcements

Mayor Gervais, Deputy Mayor Kelly and Councillors Kallioinen and Massicotte congratulated the McKechnie family and community groups on the success of the 2nd Annual Skate-A-Thon that was hosted at the Skating Oval over the weekend.  Approximately $45,000 was raised which will be donated to Toronto Sick Kids Hospital.

Councillor Kallioinen advised that he is now officially a full member of the Espanola Lions Club and looks forward to volunteering with the group.

Councillor Duplessis shared information regarding the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board (MSDSB) budget, advising that the municipality’s portion is 11% which is equal to 1.27 million dollars.

The Council Rundown provides a summary of each Council Meeting. The official record of each meeting is the Meeting Minutes and can be found in the Council Meetings section of the website. Video recordings of meetings are similarly available in the same section. Any questions regarding Council Meetings can be directed to Joseph Burke, CAO/Clerk at [email protected] or by calling 705-869-1540.


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