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Council Rundown

October 10, 2023

The October 10, 2023 Regular Meeting of Council was a brief meeting consisting of three primary items followed by a Special Meeting in Closed Session to discuss a potential land disposition.

Recommendation regarding Replacement Rescue Tools

A report and recommendation was presented to purchase a used set of Hurst Edraulic rescue tools to replace the Fire Department’s aging Amkus Hydraulic tools. The current rescue tools of the Department are over 40 years old and have reached end of life. These new tools which are battery operated are lighter, more efficient and will not require hydraulic lines. The purchase of the used Edraulic spreader, cutter (both of 2019 vintage), 4 batteries, a charger and a 110 V adapter will be $20,000 which is a fair saving from market value. An Edraulic Ram will eventually be purchased and the savings on these used tools will help make that possible. The Fire Department has generated additional revenue through its cost recovery bylaw to offset this expense for the 2023 budget. The recommendation was approved by Council.

Member Motion: Recommendation regarding Rural Education Funding

A motion put forward by Councill Kallioinen to advocate to the Province to increase the Rural and Northern Education Fund (RNEF) to $50 million and to ask the Province to provide an update as to any review of rural education funding was approved.

LaCloche Seniors Transportation

An initial discussion was had regarding a proposal from staff regarding the purchase of a regional transportation vehicle for seniors to medical appointments in Sudbury and for travel to Espanola from Sables-Spanish Rivers, Baldwin and Nairn and Hyman took place. A grant to make this possible has been approved. The proposal to be considered for final approval entails a capital investment of $38,890 by the Town to purchase the vehicle in partnership with the surrounding Townships and would have an annual operating cost in the first 12 months of approximately $23,633.38 for the Town of Espanola. Each municipality would have a share to pay and this option is expected to provide an affordable transportation option to seniors having to attend dialysis appointments and other appointments at HSN in Sudbury on a regular basis. The program would also provide an option for seniors transportation into Espanola from the Townships for access to appointments and other amenities.

Mayor and Councillor Announcements

Councillor Kallioinen wished all a Happy Thanksgiving. Kallioinen congratulated the Espanola Paper Kings for their 9-1 win against the Kirkland Lake Gold Miners. Kallioinen also expressed his gratitude in getting to participate in the National Truth and Reconciliation Day organized by Noojmowin Teg Health Centre and the Town.

Councillor Nadeau expressed a big thank you to Town staff for organizing many activities to support families impacted by the news relating to Domtar. He expressed that it was a challenging Thanksgiving for many in the Town, but that he is grateful to the Town staff for their efforts in trying to coordinate as much support as possible.

Deputy Mayor Kelly expressed her enthusiasm for the activities organized for National Truth and Reconciliation Day at the track and field. Kelly also expressed her gratitude to Public Works for a successful flushing process that has now been concluded. Finally, Kelly also mentioned that the Legion is starting its meat roll off season this weekend and encouraged the public to attend in support of our local Legion. The Fire Department is hosting the first meat roll off taking place this Saturday at the Legion.

Mayor Gervais provided an update on his attendance at the Zone 1A Ontario Association of Police Service Boards Meeting in North Bay last week. The meeting featured an update on the implementation of the new Community Safety and Policing Act. The earliest date projected for implementation at this point is April 2024. The effect of this new legislation will be the formation of a new LaCloche OPP Detachment Board which will be made up of representatives from Espanola, Sables-Spanish Rivers, Baldwin and Nairn and Hyman, amongst other changes to policing governance in the Province. Gervais also expressed his enthusiasm for attendance at Truth and Reconciliation activities on September 30th, starting with activities at the Anishinabe Spiritual Centre on Anderson Lake followed by the events at the Track and Field. Finally, Gervais expressed his thanks to Chief Pichor and Deputy Chief Girard for their attendance at the meeting this evening to provide the presentation on the rescue tools agenda item.

The Council Rundown provides a summary of each Council Meeting. The official record of each meeting is the Meeting Minutes and can be found in the Council Meetings section of the website. Video recordings of meetings are similarly available in the same section. Any questions regarding Council Meetings can be directed to Joseph Burke, Town Clerk at [email protected] or by calling 705-869-1540.


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