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Council Rundown

February 28, 2023

Sherwood Park to be Renamed “W.P. Foster Park”

Council unanimously approved an application submitted by the Espanola Lions Club to rename Sherwood Park as “W.P. Foster Park” in honour of the late Bill Foster, long-time Lion, community volunteer and former Deputy Mayor and Councillor. A strong contingent of Lions Club Members and supporters were in attendance. The application followed the process under the Town’s policy for naming municipal assets.

Planning Applications

The Regular Meeting of February 28, 2023 featured multiple planning applications for severances once again, including two severances for property in the Yusko Crescent and Queensway Avenue area by Olivadel Developments. The first application was a continuation of a set of 5 severances (3 of which were approved on February 14, 2023) to accommodate a potential multi-residential use (potential 12-plex) on the property slightly east of Yusko Crescent with frontage on Queensway Avenue. A number of residents were in attendance and some voiced concerns to Council about the recent applications for severances in this area. Town Staff and the Town’s Planning Consultant from JL Richards and Associates were on hand to respond to various concerns raised. The application to sever an approximately 1,814 m² property with frontage on Queensway Avenue for a potential 12-plex was ultimately approved by Council with conditions. An application to sever a portion of property from the same lot for conveyance to the applicant’s property at the south of Yusko Crescent was deferred to provide staff with more time to gather information from the developer on future development plans in the area. The property with frontage on Queensway Avenue is already zoned R3-h which is intended for multi-residential uses. The property at the south of Yusko Crescent is zoned Rural (RU). Future multi-residential development in the RU area will require potential Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments to re-designate the land for such purposes which will include public consultation pursuant to the Planning Act.

Consent Agenda Highlights

The Consent Agenda, a standard part of a municipal council agenda where recommendations from Committees and basic/recurring items are passed with one omnibus motion, featured a few noteworthy items stemming from the Community Services Committee. Approvals included a recommendation, in principle, that Council allocate funds within the 2023 budget to begin preparing for renovations of the Public Works Office next year to meet AODA requirements as required by the Province by January 1, 2025. In addition, a mutual assistance agreement for the use of Espanola and Nairn and Hyman’s respective Emergency Operations Centres (EOCs) was approved to provide a space for either municipality to have its Municipal Emergency Control Group in the event of an emergency that renders the impacted municipality’s EOC inoperable.

Mayor and Councillor Announcements

Council Members Hayden, Massicotte, Kallioinen and Gervais commended the organizers and community members for the strong showing of support and participation at this past weekend’s Skate-a-Thon for Rare Disease Day. The Day was organized by locals Alex and Kelsey McKechnie with support from a number of local organizations and clubs in support of their daughter, Iris McKechnie, who was diagnosed with Infantile Onset Pompe Disease at 3 months old. The McKechnie’s far surpassed their original fundraising goal of $15,000 with over $70,000 raised to go toward Duke University’s Clinical and Research Pompe Fund which supports world leading experts in Pompe Disease research.

Councillor Kallioinen provided comments on a new tool for booking appointments and virtual appointments at the Espanola and Area Family Health Team. Additionally, Councillor Kallioinen spoke to his recent joining of Deputy Mayor Kelly on the Mental Health and Substance Use Subcommittee to the Community of Care Planning Network. Further, Kallioinen promoted participation in the first upcoming meeting of Espanola Pride, an organization looking to put on Espanola’s first event in support of the LGBTQ2S+ community. The meeting will take place at Dynamic Family Restaurant on Thursday March 2nd at 7:00 pm.

The Council Rundown provides a summary of each Council Meeting. The official record of each meeting is the Meeting Minutes and can be found in the Council Meetings section of the website. Video recordings of meetings are similarly available in the same section. Any questions regarding Council Meetings can be directed to Joseph Burke, Town Clerk at [email protected] or by calling 705-869-1540.


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