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Statistical Election Highlights

Town of Espanola Municipal and School Board Elections

October 24th, 2022

Voter turn-out: 42.11%

Total # of people who voted: 1,716

Percentage of total # of people who voted by age group*:

18-40: 14.57% (250)

41-60: 28.61% (491)

61-80: 50.47% (866)

81-100: 6.35% (109)

(*For example, of the total 1,716 people who voted, 14.57% were aged 18 to 40, this means that 250 voters out of 1,716 were aged 18 to 40.)

Other statistics:

  • Proportionate to the total population of each age group, voters aged 61-80 voted 31.4% more than voters aged 18-40.
  • Proportionate to the total population of each age group, voters aged 61-80 voted 17.8 % more than voters aged 41-60.
  • Proportionate to the total population of each age group, voters aged 61-80 voted 15.5% more than voters aged 81-100.
  • Proportionate to the population of each age group, voters aged 81-100 voted 15.9% more than voters aged 18-40.
  • Proportionate to the population of each age group, voters aged 81-100 voted 2.3% more than voters aged 41-60.


Proportionate to the total population of each age group:

  • Voters in the 18-40 age category voted the least.
  • Voters in the 61-80 age category voted the most.
  • Voters in the 80-100 and 41-60 age categories had similar voter turn-outs, with the 80-100 category ahead by 2.3%.


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