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Policy and Planning Quarterly

Spring 2022 (Budget 2022, Council Vacancy, Return to in-person meetings)

The Policy and Planning Quarterly provides quarterly highlights of bylaw changes, Council decisions and land-use planning matters that are of public interest.

In memory of Councillor Bill Foster

It was with great sadness that the community learnt of the passing of Deputy Mayor and Councillor Bill Foster on June 28th, 2022.

As was written in Councillor Foster’s obituary, he will be remembered as being a generous man with a big heart and the Town extends our sincerest condolences to his friends and family.

He will be greatly missed at Town Hall and all over the community.

Featured Bylaws and Resolutions

(Full bylaw/resolution reports available at or at the Municipal Office, 100 Tudhope Street)

Municipal Budget 2022

At the June 14, 2022 meeting, Council approved the 2022 Municipal Budget after having deliberated and received presentations on the budget from the various municipal departments throughout the spring. The 2022 budget reflects a decrease to the overall net levy of 0.08% from 2021. The Town has experienced growth in its assessment of 0.62%, resulting from new housing and various improvements to properties.

The budget reflects a number of significant projects and challenges;

  • A further reduction of $64,300 in grants from the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund. A total decrease of $197,100 in the past 3 years
  • Public Health allocation has increased 7% from last year
  • Increasing cost of goods and services as well as supply chain issues
  • Inflation is the highest it has been in 31 years
  • Grant applications for the Connecting Link (Centre Street upgrades), the arena roof, the completion of Black Creek Bridge and Trunk Water Main (Part 2 – the overall project has been to replace the water main from the plant up Bass Lake Road all the way to the water tower) have been successful and 2022 proves to be a very busy construction season
  • Capital allocation of $400,200 for a Splashpad and parking area
  • Capital allocation of $130,000 for the replacement of playground equipment

A full executive summary can be provided upon request and it is further expected that the 2021 consolidated financial statement will be available on the Town’s website in the coming months following the presentation of such at Council later this summer from the auditors.

Council Vacancy

As a result of a Council vacancy this spring, former Councillor Ron Duplessis was appointed to Council to fill this vacancy. In filling a vacancy after March 31st in an election year, Council only has the option to fill the vacancy by appointment rather than through a by-election. It was the consensus of Council to stick with the past practice of asking the next best candidate from the previous municipal election if they would be interested and Duplessis accepted.

Return to in-person meetings

With the COVID-19 Pandemic measures loosening, Council has decided to return to in-person meetings in July. The July 12th Council Meeting was the first meeting held in person in over two-years. Late in 2021, Council approved audio-video enhancements for Council Chambers that will enhance the experience of those watching from home as Council meetings will continue to be livestreamed. The first few in-person meetings will be done using the old equipment with hope that the new set-up will be completed in time for the September meetings.

Quarterly Council Decision Highlights

  • Approval of tender for site services for splash pad to JI Enterprises.
  • Approval of donation to Espanola Game & Fish of $3,000 for the Black Creek Snow-Shoe Trail and commitment that the new Manager of Community and Recreation start the development of a comprehensive trail plan for the Town.
  • Deferral of the recommendation for an ongoing trail reserve until a report from the Manager of Community and Recreation comes to Council.
  • Approval of fee reductions for lottery licenses to allow organizations to donate a larger amount to approved charities.
  • Approval of new Memorandum of Agreement between the Espanola Library Board and the Town of Espanola.
  • Approval of a new Illegal Dumping Bylaw to provide for enforcement options in the event that waste is being illegally dumped on public or private property such as on back roads.
  • Approval of recommendation to implement 2022 IT service review recommendations including the acquisition of Chief Information Officer services.
  • Approval of 2022 gravel tender to Carlyle Construction Ltd.
  • Approval of extended summer hours for Recreation Complex
  • Resolution denouncing the war in Ukraine and promoting sanctions against Russia
  • Resolution to forward a letter to the Minister of Transport Canada urging the Government of Canada to make necessary strategic investments to maintain the Huron Central Railway.
  • Approval of winter sand tender award to OCL Custom Crushing & Quarrying Ltd.
  • Approval of Connecting Link (Centre Street upgrades) tender to Garson Pipe.

Land-Use Planning

Spring Planning Act Highlights:

  • Consent application B04/22 and B05/22 approved for the creation of two new lots on Lee Valley Road next to 2215 Lee Valley Road.
  • Zoning bylaw amendment Z01/22 approved to rezone new lot on Lee Valley Road from Rural to Rural Residential.
  • Site Plan Agreement Approval for two multi-unit row housing (5 units per building) development on Arthur Court.
  • Zoning bylaw amendment Z02-22 to rezone two new lots on Lee Valley Road from Rural to Rural Residential and one lot from Rural Residential to Rural.


Municipal Election 2022

Are you interested in running for Council? We have ample resources to help you learn about what being a Councillor is all about. Give us a call at 705-869-1540 to learn more or visit our election webpage at

Coyote Prevention

Wildlife and human encounters can be minimized to avoid conflict by exercising common sense, preventative measures and being respectful of wildlife and their habitats. As quoted from Coyote Watch Canada’s (CWC) article on co-existing with coyotes, “By promoting respect, compassion, and safety education throughout our community about these intelligent, adaptable keystone species, we can safely coexist with coyotes.” Tips highlighted to minimize the attraction of coyotes from CWC’s article include:

  1. Never feed wildlife (feeding wildlife is against municipal bylaws and you can be fined for doing so)
  2. Keep pet food and water bowls indoors. Pet food will attract coyotes to your yard.
  3. Keep trash cans covered and use wildlife-proof lids.
  4. Pick ripened fruit, and clean all rotted fallen fruit from the ground.
  5. Do not allow a large amount of wild bird seed to remain on your lawn. Birdseed attracts birds, rabbits, squirrels, and rodents, which are prey for coyotes.
  6. Supervise pets and keep them under leashed where necessary.
  7. Do not approach coyotes, their dens, or their pups, even if it appears the parents are not in the vicinity. Coyotes will do their best to avoid humans but may interact with humans when provoked (during risky human behaviour such as feeding, interfering with pups or harassing) sick, or injured.
  8. Teach children about wildlife and how to safely respond to a coyote (or dog) nearby.
  9. Respect, compassion, and education are common-sense tools that nurture safe and healthy human-wildlife coexistence.

In any event, if you feel you are not safe, please contact the police.

 The Policy and Planning Quarterly is prepared by Joseph Burke, Town Clerk and Manager of Planning Services. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns by email at [email protected] or by phone at 705-869-1540.


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