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Partnerships Deliver Cheer to Espanola Seniors

Good cheer, good wishes and grocery bags will be delivered to one hundred seniors in Espanola this week thanks to funding made available by the Government of Canada's New Horizons for Seniors Program and United Way Centraide North East Ontario/Nord-est de l'Ontario.

"The Town of Espanola is grateful to the United Way, the Government of Canada and Espanola VON" says Mayor Jill Beer, "Together, we are able to deliver gift bags of nourishment and treats to some of our more isolated seniors as a reminder that they are thought of, missed and cared for."

The $5,000 of funding will be spent locally between Fresh Co and Tanner's Your Independent Grocer.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult to connect with friends and family so we thought it extra important to reach out to Town of Espanola Care Van participants and VON clients to help lift spirits" says Mayor Jill Beer.

"While physical distancing is essential to protecting seniors from COVID-19, it risks isolating them from their community. That is why the Government of Canada is proud to work with United Way Canada to help support the needs of seniors during this difficult time. By using local expertise, this funding will help provide support tailored to the unique, local needs of seniors across the country. As we work together to flatten the curve and slow the spread of the virus, the government is supporting Canadians every step of the way."

Honourable Deb Schulte, Minister of Seniors


Photo A: Town of Espanola Care Van Driver Denise Maville loads up the Care Van to prepare for delivery.

Photo B: Espanola VON Manager Tania Mailloux preparing bags for VON Clients

For information contact:
Cheryl Kennelly
Community & Economic Development Officer
Town of Espanola
[email protected]
705.869.1961 ex. 2212


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