Site Plan Control Application

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Site Plan Control Application


This application is to be used for all applications for Site Plan Agreements within the Town of Espanola. The application form requests information that will assist the Town and others in their planning evaluation of the proposal. To ensure the quickest and most complete review, this information shall be submitted at the time of application.

Only a complete application will be accepted. An application which is not considered to be complete under the Planning Act is not subject to the timelines of the Act. As a result, the application may be deferred or refused. Any measurements are to be in metric units. The applicable application fee must accompany the application. If the application is not complete and/or the fee not provided, the Town may return the application.

1. Applicant Information

1.1 Name of Owner(s). An owner’s authorization is required in Section 10 & 11, if the applicant is not the owner.


1.2 Applicant / Agent: Name of the person who is to be contacted about the application, if different than the owner. (This may be a person or firm acting on behalf of the owner).

2. Location of Subject Land


2.2 Are there any mortgages, charges or other encumbrances in respect of the subject land? If Yes, indicate the names and addresses of the holders.

Mortages, Charges, Other Encumbrances
3. Land Use
3.4 Are there any buildings or structures on the subject land?


3.6 Are there any buildings or structures proposed to be built on the subject land?


4. Servicing Information
4.1 Access (check appropriate)
4.2 Water Supply (check appropriate)
4.3 Sewage Disposal (check appropriate )
4.3.1 Will the requested Site Plan Agreement permit development on a privately owned and operated individual or communal septic system with more than 45000 litres of effluent being produced per day as a result of the development being completed?

If yes, the following reports shall be required; i) a servicing options report, ii) a hydrogeological report.

4.4 Storm Drainage (check if applicable)
5. Adjacent Land Uses
5.1 What are the present land uses of properties adjacent to the subject land?
6. History of the Subject Land
6.2 Is the subject land the subject of an application for approval of a plan of subdivision or a consent under the Planning Act?

If Yes, and if known, provide the Ministry’s application file number and the status of the application.

7. Sketch

7.1 This application must be accompanied by a sketch. See Appendix 1 for Drawing Requirements.

8. Other Information
9. Affidavit or Sworn Declaration of Applicant(s)

9.1 Affidavit or Sworn Declaration for the Information set out in this Application

I/we, make oath and say (or solemnly declare) that the information contained in this application is true and that the information contained in the documents that accompany this application are true.

Use full name(s) as a placeholder for signature.

10. Consent of the Applicant / Owner(s)

10.1 Complete the consent of the owner(s) concerning personal information set out below.

Consent of the Applicant / Owner(s) to the Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

I/we, am/are the applicant / owner(s) of the land that is the subject of this application for a Site Plan Agreement and for the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, I/we authorize and consent to the use by or the disclosure to any person or public body of any personal information that is collected under the authority of the Planning Act for the purposes of processing this application.

Use full name(s) as a placeholder for signature.

11. Authorization for Agent

11.1 If the applicant is not the owner of the land that is the subject of this application, the written authorization of the owner(s) that the applicant is authorized to make the application must be attached to this application, or the authorization set out below must be completed.

Authorization of Owner(s) for Agent to Make the Application

I/we, am/are the owner(s) of the land that is the subject of this application for Site Plan Agreement and I/we authorize to make this application on my/our behalf.

Use full name(s) as a placeholder for signature.

Enter contact emails to receive a copy of your submission (comma separated).